
Introducing the totally free scorepad app for Apple ® and Android ™ smartphones.

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Oh Crud Scorepad App



Download on the Apple Store
Apple iOS ™ version available now.

Get it on Google Play
Android version available now.

Keep score for almost any type of game, including:

  • Oh Crud
  • Cat in 8
  • Rummy
  • Hearts
  • Spades
  • Canasta
  • and many more!

It's so easy to use. Download it Today!

  • Supports up to 20 players
  • Add, change, or drop players at any time during the game
  • Saves your game, even if you close the app
  • Start a completely different game without re-entering player names

Supports two different scoring modes:

  • Rounds mode: Like Oh Crud or Rummy, where each player's score is recorded at the end of each round.
  • Freeform mode: Like Cat in 8, where one player may have 7 score entries, and another only 3 entries.


Privacy Policy for Oh Crud Scorepad App

Our privacy policy is pretty simple. The scorepad app does not collect any information from users. No personal information is collected or stored. Period.

Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. IOS is a registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.


Or you can download the printable Oh Crud scorepad

Scorepad for Oh Crud card game.

Download the printable scorepad for Oh Crud here.

NOTE: We allow customers who have purchased the game to print out these scorepads for their own personal use, but please don't try to sell them.